Each lot is privately owned while all the common areas including streets, buildings, tennis courts, swimming pool, etc., are owned undivided and in common by the Owners’ Association, Inc.

Yes, a low monthly maintenance fee, billed quarterly ($825 for 2023), provides the following services and maintenance for the resort and individual lots:

  • Upkeep of the common facilities and roadways
  • Water and sewer
  • Spectrum Cable TV
  • Individual High Speed Spectrum Internet with one Wi-Fi router per lot
  • Daily trash pickup
  • Lawn maintenance (weekly mow & leaf blow)
  • This fee also includes funding for a Long-Range Capital Improvement Plan.

Owners are responsible for the following:

  • Electricity – contracted with the Palmetto Electric Cooperative
  • Telephone – may be provided by Hargray Communications
  • Liability Insurance – the resort’s general liability policy provides
    coverage for the resort and its members as a commercial operation. Members are limited to the commercial, third-party exposure only. This will not provide liability coverage for the member’s exclusive use or occupancy.
  • Maintenance and regular upkeep of your shrubs, trees, landscaping beds, furniture, and pad.
  • Taxes are based on Beaufort County’s assessed value. You will receive a tax bill directly from Beaufort County each year.

Yes, a copy of the complete covenants is available at the management office or your real estate broker.

Lot sizes vary and are generally about 40′ x 70′ with about 2,800 square feet of area.

If not already surveyed, owners may have their lot surveyed at their expense.

All lots must be rented through the rental office.

The lot owner receives 50% of the rent collected for their lot plus an additional variable daily rental incentive (please contact the office for the current incentive amount).

Each owner may allow guests to stay on his/her lot (in the guest’s motorcoach) in the Guest of Owner program any LOT may be used free of charge for 21 days (consecutive or separately). Once the first 21 days per lot have been used, any guest on that lot will then compensate the Resort at a rate of ½ the regular rental rate for up to 21 additional days. After 42 total days of use on any individual lot, any Guest will pay the full rental rate. These provisions apply whether the Guest remains on a single site, or moves to another site. It is the coach being used, not the name under which the Guest is registered that will be used to determine the length of stay.

Yes, owners need to reserve the dates of current and future stays in our online reservation system, Staylist, as far in advance as possible. Call the office if you need help with this process. If you wish to remove your lot from the rental program please notify the office in writing.

You are not required to rent your lot, however, participation is encouraged and appreciated.

Yes, but there are certain restrictions and a fee may be charged depending on the number of people attending. Arrangements should be made with the office.

Generally no, but it is required to submit your plans to the Property Enhancement Committee (PEC) for approval before starting new work or making major changes.

Yes. All lots must have an irrigation system. You can do the installation yourself or contract with an approved vendor to do the work. Irrigation must comply with Hilton Head Island Town Ordinance and resort PEC guidelines.

Requests must be made online using the Maintenance Button in the owner’s section of the website. If urgent, call the Resort Manager.

Plans must be submitted and approved by the PEC before work commences. Forms and guidelines appear in the owners’ section of the website. This requirement applies to all permanent structural modifications.

Yes, in compliance with the Property Enhancement Guidelines and Town of Hilton Head Island Lighting Ordinance. All plans must be submitted to and approved by the PEC before work commences.

Yes. Contact Hargray Communications (843-785-2166) to make necessary arrangements for installation and billing.

Charcoal and wood-burning grills and fires are strictly prohibited. Only propane grills and fire pits are allowed.

The Property Owners Association is operated as a homeowners association and elects the Board of Directors from the membership. The resort is managed by the resort manager who answers to the Board of Directors. The rental office is a limited liability corporation owned by all 401 owners.

There are seven (7) seats with vacated positions open for election each year. The executive offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by fellow Board members. The Director position on the Board is for three (3) years or, if appointed, it will be to fill the remainder of the time of the person he/she is replacing.

No. The Board sets policies and procedures which are implemented by the resort manager who is employed by the owners’ association. The resort manager is responsible for common areas maintenance, enforcement of rules and regulations, resort staff and work campers among other things.

Ownership of a lot in the resort automatically confers membership in the association. There are no outside members. The annual meeting of the owners’ association is held in April of each year.

Each year, in advance of the annual meeting, the elections committee prepares a slate of candidates from the membership of the owners association. Anyone interested in running for the board should contact the elections Committee for an application.

The Board of Directors.